Parish Pastoral Assembly 2019

18 November 2019

Dear Parishioners,

Parish Pastoral Assembly 2019
Saturday, 23.11.2019 10am – 1pm
@ St Faustina Hall

I was very pleased to see that you along with many others participated actively during our recent Vision Workshop.

I am now writing this message to invite you to attend the upcoming Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA).

During the PPA, I will share the now updated Parish Vision. Together we hope to review the work we did over the course of 2019 and begin the process of identifying and carrying out our Parish Mission.

I hope that by engaging you, we will be able together as a Parish community to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3: 14). For that is the reward that we all long to share in.

See you on Saturday.

Yours in the Lord,
Fr Gerard Theraviam
Parish Priest

The Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA) 2019 for the Church of the Divine Mercy will be held on Saturday, November 23rd from 10.00am to 1.00pm. Read on for a better understanding on what the PPA is about and its objectives.

  1. What is PPA about?

The PPA is held annually to discern the needs of the parish and to plan how these needs can be best met. In line with the 3 pillars of Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Convention (PMPC) IV – Creative, Inclusive, and Bridge-building, the PPA is to review the parish’s achievements, limitations and to chart the parish’s direction for the next year.

  1. Who attends the PPA?
  • All parishioners
  • Ministry leaders
  • Parish Council leaders
  • Parish Priest
  • Archbishop
  1. Why do I need to attend the PPA?

Our belonging to the CDM community is a privilege we all cherish. This assembly lays the foundation for the future growth of the parish. Each of us has a part to play in our own parish community and the realisation that the life of our parish can be incredibly enriched if and when we all are willing to put our gifts and talents at the service of the community. Attending the PPA will help you learn where you would best be able to serve the Church and God.

  1. What happens in a PPA?
  • Address by the Parish Priest & Archbishop
  • Cluster discussions & presentations