Fr Gerard’s Letter to the Parishioners of CDM

My dear sisters & brothers of CDM,


After 4 years as your Parish Priest, it is time to continue my pilgrim journey….

BE, BEGET & BEGONE… a ‘soterism’ that was often quoted to priests by Cardinal Soter Fernandez.

BE: I have been happy as your Parish Priest. The journey was not always easy but always rewarding and I know I have done my best. The Pandemic helped me to BE even more, to BE STILL and know that He is God, rather than rushing around in activity without always being aware that I am a mere instrument of God. There have been times I have been stressed, angry and unapproachable and I ask forgiveness from those I hurt through my words and actions, or inaction. 

BEGET: What has been begotten in terms of my ministry will be seen with the passing of time – in lives that have been touched and changed for the long term, in ministries and groups that I have perhaps given some inspiration.  I have baptised, confirmed, married so many, listened to countless confessions and counselled and had spiritual conversations. I have condoled and condected funerals, I have blessed on different occasions – birthdays, anniversaries, exams…. I have laughed and cried with you. I have admired, encouraged and yes, also scolded and reprimanded.  I have also begotten love in exchange for all that I have sown and I have basked in the love extended to me by so many. 

The pandemic despite being a difficult time, allowed us to reach out with pastoral creativity, not just to the parish community but to the wider world through the internet. The recent floods and the help received and given by not just our parishioners but also other parishes and people of other faiths, all working towards a common goal of loving our neighbour have helped me proudly see we are indeed living up to CDM’s Vision & Mission Statement.

BEGONE: I go with a joyful heart because I know that this is all part of God’s plan. Initially, I was disappointed since I only had 4 years with you and not the usual 6, but I realise that throughout my life, we may propose but ultimately it is all about God’s Will – hence, my ordination motto that I have struggled sometimes to live up to: THY WILL BE DONE!

I go also with sadness that the Pandemic has not allowed me to see many of you recently and say a proper Goodbye. Nevertheless, it is NOT goodbye forever, as I am just nearby at the Cathedral, which is the mother church to us all. I look forward to meeting and welcoming you at St John’s.

Thank you all for being my companions on the journey. I carry you all in my heart and prayers.

I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you. — Philippians 1:3-4

In prayer, love and peace,

Gerard Steve Theraviam, Rev.