The Logo
The logo for the Synod sums up the inter-related dimensions of a meaningful process.
A large, majestic tree, full of wisdom and light, reaches for the sky. A sign of deep vitality and hope which expresses the cross of Christ. It carries the Eucharist, which shines like the sun. The horizontal branches, opened like hands or wings, suggest the Holy Spirit.
The people of God are not static: they are on the move, in direct reference to the word synod, which means “walking together”. The people are united by the same common dynamic that this Tree of Life breathes into them, from which they begin their walk. These 15 silhouettes sum up our entire humanity in its diversity of life situations of generations and origins.
This aspect is reinforced by the multiplicity of bright colors which are themselves signs of joy. There is no hierarchy between these people who are all on the same footing: young, old, men, women, teenagers, children, lay people, religious, parents, couples, singles, healthy, disabled; the bishop and the nun are not in front of them, but among them.
The Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops is due to take place in October 2023. Themed ‘For a Synodal Church: communion,
participation and mission’, this time around it is adopting a different focus
In the past, consultations were from the clergy and then filtered across to the community. At Pope Francis’ call, the consultations will now start with the lay people, discerning on some key questions posed. It will then move to diocese, national then regional level.
Why this direction?
It is because the Church is made up of you and me and we need to listen to ‘The People of God’ without leaving any voice unheard. This will help the church make a difference in the lives of the communities it serves.
Your role in CDM’s Synodal journey?
Our Synodal process will begin with leaders of ministries, BEC’s and communities within our parish. They will communicate with you on the
church’s mission with this Synodal journey. There are a series of fundamental questions and others that are key to ministries and specific communities. You will be urged to LISTEN and be GUIDED by the voice of the Holy Spirit in discerning your response.
All feedback is confidential. You will be given an e-link through which you can login and upload your answers. Please ensure that no names are quoted in your feedback. Be objective in your response.
Ultimately, this exercise is to gather insight into the needs of the people, as the church progresses on its journey of communion, participation, and mission.