
Ministers in Communion
The Church of the Divine Mercy’s Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion gathered for a formation session last Saturday, where they were encouraged to serve with

An Evening of Thanksgiving and Praise
Corpus Christi or the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ was celebrated on the weekend of June 1-2 this year. This

Exhibition of Relics Comes to CDM
On June 15th and 16th, parishioners of CDM will have the chance to venerate 75 holy relics of saints and blessed. Brought by the Penang

Sealed by the Holy Spirit and Sent Forth
“At first, I was nervous, but as soon as the (rite of) confirmation began, I felt awakened,” said Kathryn Gan candidly, one of 70 confirmands

Seminarian Albert Arputhan — on pastoral exposure at CDM from 1st May 2024
Bro. Albert Arputhan joined the Major seminary in Penang – College General in 2016. After completing philosophical studies, he was sent to India and Sri

Good Shepherd Sunday — World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Vocations Sunday is observed annually on the 4th Sunday of Easter. This Sunday is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday. On this day, we especially