Ministers in Communion

The Church of the Divine Mercy’s Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion gathered for a formation session last Saturday, where they were encouraged to serve with the love, compassion and humility of Christ both within and beyond the parish.

Rev Fr George Harrison, in his address to the group of 90 communion ministers, said that while they are called to be communion ministers in church, they are also called to be “ministers in communion” with their BECs and with the wider community, including our multi-racial neighbours and friends.

He reminded them that every communion minister represents Christ, carrying His presence to others and sharing themselves just as Christ did. Christ’s ministry, he said, reached out to many with compassion and service.

Therefore, sharing, compassion and outreach must be at the core of the EMOHC’s ministry.

Bro Albert Arputhan, during his session, delivered an inspiring talk, sharing a personal testimony of the comforting, life-giving and transforming power of the Eucharist.

He said the Eucharist is the source and summit of his spiritual life, it is his strength. “It is He who lives in me, without the Eucharist I am nothing,” he declared.

The session, which began with the Liturgy of the Hours, concluded with a quiet time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

For the ministers who attended the three-hour programme, it was a grace-filled time that strengthened their roles as communion ministers and propelled them towards their calling as missionary disciples.